Winter is coming and we might get snow!
Colas’ priority is to ensure all transport routes in and out of the city, including major bus routes and access to places like hospitals, schools, train & bus stations and shopping centres, are clear and accessible at all times. Driving is probably something you do daily to get to and from work and around the city to do your job. At this time of year, you need to be aware of poor weather conditions which could affect your driving: rain, ice, fog, snow, strong winds and even low sunshine, so keep thinking about your journey all the time you’re driving. Roads and pavements are salted on a priority basis, vital roads that are transport routes and pavements near major shopping areas, hospitals, transport hubs and schools.
During snow, avoid travel if possible. If you must drive, slow down and allow extra room as it can take 10 times longer to stop on snow or ice. Keep these items in your car: shovel, warm clothes and blankets, torch, drinks and long-life snacks, first-aid kit, mobile phone and in-car charger, ice scraper and de-icer. For more information on all winter maintenance carried out in Portsmouth, including gritting routes and salt/grit bin locations please visit the Winter Maintenance page or click here to download Colas’ Road Salting Priority Map.