Putting the ‘green’ back in the city environment

Putting the ‘green’ back in the city environment!
Putting the ‘green’ back in the city environment
Over the last year, we have all become increasingly aware of the benefits of being out in nature, where green spaces have helped improve our physical and mental wellbeing. It’s not always easy to have green spaces in a city though, so every addition to the natural environment helps. Colas are using spaces on the highway network in Portsmouth to help put some greenery into the city, which will not only benefit the residents but will help encourage wildlife and improve the environment.
Wildflower verges
Devonshire Avenue in the south of the city is the next area to get the wild flower meadow treatment and Farlington Roundabout in the north is also being considered.
The mix of wild flowers will not just make a wonderful display, it will help provide much-needed sustenance for bees, hoverflies and other insects, which will in turn help feed the wild birds around the city.
Planting trees
Around 100 trees have been planted over the winter season, in urban tree pits and in grass verges around the city. As part of this, five maple trees were planted in North End Avenue, complementing the rejuvenation of the area, and following extensive consultation with residents of Military Road, 11 trees were planted there, being a mix of field maple, wild cherry and rowan. Luckily, our specialist sub-contractor Gristwood and Toms managed to source the trees in this difficult period.
Replanting shrub beds
A pathway in the very north of the city has had a new hedge put in, topped with mulch. At our depot, we make our own mulch for shrub beds, which not only saves money but is environmentally friendly, saving on transport miles as well as re-using a waste product. Even the harsh landscape of Portsmouth’s main shopping centre gets the green treatment, with new shrubs planted up in a little pocket of land.